List of references

1                   Hydrogen, Biogas, Biomethane, ATEX
clientScope of activityyear
BE Energy, Eisenstadt200 MW elektrolyzer for renewable green hydrogen production:2024-cont
Basic engineering
Authority engineering
AWV KnittelfeldCo-Fermentation at a communal waste water treatment plant2006
Basic, authority and detail engineering2010
Building supervision
Bioenerg d.o.o. Crnomelj, SloDetail engineering for hygienization unit and consulting for biogas installation utilizing organic waste (1.400 kW)2010
Biofutura d.o.o., SloveniaEvaluation of biogas project Ilirska bistrica2008
Biogasanlage Echsenbach Building supervision for Biogasplant (500 kW)2004
Biogas Mölbling Building supervision for Biogasplant Funder (250 kW)2004
Biogas Pöchlarn Building supervision for Biogasplant (500 kW)2004
Biogaspark Biogas from renewable primary products –2003
framework contract (250 + 500 kW):2005
Basic engineering
Building supervision
Biogaspark Building supervision for 4 Biogasplants (2 * 250 kW, 2 * 500 kW)2004
Biogaspark, AmstettenBiogas from biowaste, kitchen slops and slaughterhouse waste:2004
Feasibility study and consulting
Biopower, Austria2 Biogas plants from renewable primary products2006-07
Retz and Ziersdorf, each with an electric power of 1.500 kW:
Basic, authority and detail engineering
Building supervision and training of operators
Start-up and guarantee check
COWI A/S, Danmark Biogas from industrial and municipal organic waste2012
(7.5 Mio m³ biomethane):
Feasibility study
EKOKEM Finland (as subcontractor of IG-IUT, Seebenstein)Biogas from municipal sewage waste (1.200 kW):2011
Basic engineering
Energie SteiermarkRenewable Gasfield Gabersdorf (PV / Green-Hydrogen-production with PEM-Electrolyser / H2-Storage, compression and dispenser / methanization of biogas):2020-24.
Basic, authority and detail engineering
Building supervision
·         Start-up and guarantee check
Energienetze Steiermark, GrazBiomethane compressor unit for injection in gas grid Leoben2023
Building supervision
·         Start-up and guarantee check
Engineering company N.N.Basic, Authority and Detailengineering for biogas plant processing organic waste material, expansion from 10.000 to 20.000 t/a2010 – 2011
Energie Steiermark, Graz, AustriaFeasibility study for Biogas plant Knittelfeld 500 kW from organic waste and agricultural residues2009
Energie Steiermark, Graz, AustriaFeasibility study for Biogas plant Auersbach 250 kW from organic waste2011
Fetz, BiogasanlageDocument on dangers of Explosive atmosphere (ATEX)2010
Hämmerle, BiogasanlageDocument on dangers of Explosive atmosphere (ATEX)2010
Hofer, BiogasanlageDocument on dangers of Explosive atmosphere (ATEX)2010
Hofer, BiogasanlageDocument on dangers of Explosive atmosphere (ATEX)2010
Holding, municipality of GrazProject move2zero: implementation of a hydrogen infrastructure for the communal H2-busfleet2022
Consulting during tendering process
Holding, municipality of GrazConsulting in the architectural competition for a bus station with hydrogen refueling2023
KELAG Wärme Consulting during maintenance of fermenters and expert opinion on energy efficiency2017
MIT Plan / Ideal-BauATEX document for a gas storage facility2020
Municipality St. Peter o.J.Document on dangers of Explosive atmosphere (ATEX)2019
Münzer Biogas from biowaste (500 kW):2001
Feasibility study
NAWAROS Building supervision for biogas plant St. Veit/Glan 1.000 kW2002-04
Pilze Nagy, HungaryBasic engineering for biogas plant 300 kW2006
Rauch, BiogasanlageDocument on dangers of Explosive atmosphere (ATEX)2010
Republic of Austria, BIGBiogas plant Voitsberg 64 kW from organic waste:2011 – 2013
Basic, authority and detail engineering
Building supervision and training of operators
·         Start-up
PlaneggerBuilding supervision for Biogasplant (500 kW)2004
PlaneggerConcept for the modernization and extension of the biogas plant2013
PlaneggerPlant extension and methanization of biogas by membrane permeation system2024
Verbund Green Hydrogen, Wien200 MW elektrolyzer for renewable green hydrogen production:2024
Basic engineering
·         Authority engineering
Wucher, BiogasanlageDocument on dangers of Explosive atmosphere (ATEX)2010
2                   Industrial engineering and waste management
clientScope of activityyear
ABRG ArnoldsteinBasic and authority engineering (AWG) for a hazardous waste storage building1999
AE+E (as subcontractor of IG-IUT, Seebenstein)Secondary fuel for a paper mill in Germany: detail engineering and documentation2008 – 2010
AWV KnittelfeldSolar drying of sewage sludge (Basic, authority and detail engineering, Tendering, Building supervision, Start-up)2006 –
Optimization of sand recycling and disposal2008
AWV Liezen and R&D project: mechanical-biological waste treatment Liezen1997
Government of StyriaCharacteristics of fuel made from household2000
waste fraction > 80 mm
AWV Liezenmechanical-biological waste treatment and biowaste2002-07
Basic, authority and detail engineering
Building supervision
Control of start up including performance tests
Energie SteiermarkE-Campus, Graz2022-24
Authority engineering
Permit for waste water disposal
Entsorgt!Tank and truck cleaning system: 2000-05
Basic, authority and detail engineering
EPCOS, DeutschlandsbergDevelopment of a storage concept according to TRGS 5102015
Feldbacher FruitpartnersPre-liminary, basic, detail engineering and tendering process for a new production site and head quarter2013 – 2014
Integral ZT, GrazConsulting during authority engineering and for improvement of waste water facilities for a slaughterhouse2017 – lfd
Kohlroser FranzBasic and authority engineering:2007
Bioethanol production
Treatment of residues oft he biogas plant
LOBBE MTU Hazardous waste treatment plant Werndorf/Styria/Austria2002
Basic, authority (AWG, GewerbeR, WasserR) and detail engineering1997
Building supervision1996
Start up
Magna Heavy Stamping, AlbersdorfKTL painting plant2024-lfd
Authority engineering (acc. to IPPC-regulation)
·         Permit for waste water disposal
Municipality of GreinbachSupervision for the communal landfill2020-cont.
Municipality of StubenbergSupervision for the communal landfill2020-cont.
Pichler BauSupervision for the communal landfill2024-cont.
Schippinger ZT, GrazStudy on gas-emissions from the closed communal landfill Leoben1995
Schippinger ZT, GrazStudy on decontamination of the Kiener Landfill, Bachmanning1995
Schippinger ZT, GrazMarket survey of the Austrian waste management2000
SDAG Austria (as subcontractor of IG-IUT, Seebenstein)Feasibility study on pre-processing organic waste 2011
SDAG Slo (as subcontractor of IG-IUT, Seebenstein)Feasibility study on implementation of an anaerobic MBT in Slovenia2011
Stadtgemeinde FrohnleitenSupervision for the communal landfill 1996-cont.
VTU EngineeringABRG Arnoldstein: hydrometallurgy1996
Basic, authority and detail engineering
WSA waste service austriaProject for a shredding plant for hazardous waste2020-24
·         Basic, authority and detail engineering
Zöchling Feasibility study for the processing of industrial waste containing metallic components with the aim of producing und utilizing hydrogen2019 – 2020
ZUSER PeggauSupervision of the waste management site in Peggau 2012/15
ZUSER PeggauTreatment plant for surface water of waste handling site2016-20
·         Pilot scale experiments
·         Basic, authority and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
·         Start up
3                   Waste management, landfill Leachate
clientScope of activityyear
AE+E through IG-IUTEPS-processing plant LEIPA2008-10
ASA Abfall Service Austria Landfill leachate plant Halbenrain/Steiermark/Austria1992 – 1995
(today named FCC)·         Pilot scale experiments
·         Basic, authority and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
·         Start up
ASA Abfall Service Austria Landfill leachate plant Erzberg/Steiermark/Austria1993
(today named FCC)Basic and authority engineering
ASA Abfall Service Austria Landfill leachate plant Köflach/Steiermark/Austria1994
(today named FCC)Basic and authority engineering
Brantner RomaniaLandfill leachate, landfill Turnu Severin, Rumänien2009-10
Detail engineering
Breitenfeld EdelstahlLandfill leachate plant for slag landfill 2000 – 2001
Basic and authority engineering, tendering
Cevre Yönetim Merkezi Tasima; Ankara, Turkey through Rotreat, AustriaLandfill leachate plant Elazig/Turkey2012
·         Basic and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
·         Start up
Crystal Clear Membranservice Landfill leachate plant Barcelona/Spain2005 – 2006
·         Lab scale experiments
·         Basic and detail engineering
·         Process optimisation
Hettegger Landfill leachate plant Hettegger/Salzburg/Austria1994 – 1995
·         Pilot scale experiments
·         Basic and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
·         Start up
IRAB Innsbrucker Recycling und Abfallbetriebe, InnsbruckStudy to clean landfill leachate and ground water, landfill Ahrental/Tirol/Austria1995
Komunala Slovenska BistricaPilot testing of a landfill leachate treatment plant based on MBR technology 2020
LOBBE Abfallentsorgung Landfill leachate plant Werndorf/Styria/Austria1998
·         Pilot scale experiments
·         authority and detail engineering
·         Process optimisation
Logambiente, Portugal im Wege Rotreat, ÖsterreichLandfill leachate plant Barlavento2019
·         Basic and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
MTU, Kirchberg Landfill leachate plant Werndorf/Styria/Austria1998
·         Authority, basic and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
Novo Mesto/CEROD/RotreatLead engineer and supervision of engineering for leachate treatment plant 2011-15
RMVG, EisenerzLandfill leachate plant Landfill Erzeberg 2013
·         Basic and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung Landfill leachate plant Bergheim/Salzburg/Austria2001
Basic and authority engineering
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung Landfill leachate plant Werndorf/Styria/Austria2002
·         Pilot scale experiments
·         Basic, authority and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
·         Start up
·         Process optimisation
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung Landfill leachate plant Erzberg/Austria2013
Detail engineering for a sulphide stripper unit
Sarajevo (municipality) Feasibiliity study: revamping of an unfit leachate treatment plant2016
Sarajevo (municipality)Pilot scale experiments using MBR-technology2018
Strabag, Deutschland through Rotreat, AustriaLandfill leachate plant Erzurum, Turkey 2006
·         Basic and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
Strabag, Deutschland through Rotreat, AustriaLandfill leachate plant Kusadasi, Turkey 2009
·         Basic and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
UEG, NeuseiersbergLandfill leachate plant Targu Jiu, Rumania 2008
·         Basic and detail engineering
·         Building supervision
VA Erzberg throughDesign of a leachate treatment plant as part of the general authority application documents (environmental assessment study)2014
Schippinger + Partner
WTE WassertechnikConsulting for a landfill leachate plant in SE Europa2011
4                   Water and Waste Water
clientScope of activityyear
Altenmarkt (municipality)Consulting to solve a odour problem in the public sewer system2013
Andritz, GrazExpert opinion on the waste water treatment plant of the papermill Paloma, Slovenia2017
AVL List, GrazGeneral waste water concept und authority engineering:1996
AVL List, GrazOptimization of water management: closing cycles and cooling/heating1999
AVL List, GrazRedesign of rain water system and engineering for new wells2002-24
AVL List, GrazAuthority engineering for waste water and cooling water system2022
AWV Laßnitz-Wildbach-GamsbachFuture prospects and conceptual studies – WWTP Frauental 2019
AWV Mittleres LaßnitztalFuture prospects and conceptual studies – WWTP Zehndorf2019
AWV NeunkirchenDesign of a leachate treatment plant as part of the general authority application documents (environmental assessment study)2014
Biodiesel Kärnten Basic engineering, supervision of start-up and operational consulting for a MBR-waste water system for a biodiesel plant2009
Breitenfeld EdelstahlProject for landfill leachate (industrial site)2000
Breitenfeld EdelstahlProject for industrial waste water and water cooling concept2001
District of Brcko, BosnienSWOT and PEST analysis of implementation of a communal waste water treatment system2010
DARBO, Stans/TirolConsulting for cost optimization – waste water system2002
Diary FreistadtBasic, authority and detail engineering for industrial waste water system making us of membrane solutions, sewer drainage2001
DS Smith KalsdorfGeneral waste water concept und authority engineering:2020
Optimization of water management: closing cycles
ekos, Vahrn, SüdtirolMBR-plant for the treatment of liquid waste materials 2019-21
·         Pilot testing
·         Basic and Detail engineering
·         start-up
·         commissioning
EPCOS OEGAuthority engineering for industrial waste water system, sewer drainage1999
Georg Fischer AltenmarktEngineering concept to eliminate an odour problem and preparation of authority engineering documents to obtain an renewed permit2013 – 2014
GL Pharma LannachGeneral waste water concept und authority engineering2021
GL Pharma LannachOptimization of water management: closing cycles 2022
GL Pharma LannachAuthority engineering for surface water discharge2023
GL Pharma LannachAuthority engineering for extension of surface water discharge2025
Güssinger GarnelenConsulting to optimize the operation and implementation of a denitrification2021
Liezen (municipality)Optimization and modernization of the aeration of the communal WWTP2014
LOBBE MTU Authority engineering for industrial waste water system making us of membrane solutions, direct drainage to river1997
MCT Ankara, TürkeiBasic engineering of a MBR-based containerized solution for waste water treatment for communities from 2.000 – 20.000 PE2010
RINGANA HoldingGeneral waste water concept und authority engineering:2020-21
Basic and detail engineering, tendering, construction and start-up supervision, commissioning, consulting for legal contract with communal WWTP
ROTO Frank KalsdorfMBR-Pilot plant operation2017
ROTO Frank KalsdorfBasic and Detail engineering of a MBR-plant2017
ROTO Frank KalsdorfCommissioning and Authority engineering of MBR plant2019
ROTO Frank KalsdorfBasic and detail engineering for revamping the WWT-plant including the implementation of a ion-exchange plant2021
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung, GrazR&D project: Adaptation and optimization of a pond type communal waste water treatment plant, making use of membrane technology1999
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung, GrazDetail engineering of a MBR-containerplant and pilot-testing at ESAROM, Korneuburg2007
Liezen (municipality)Consulting for the communal waste water plants in respect to industrial waste water emissions (indirect discharger)Since 1998 cont.
Weiz (municipality)Consulting for the communal waste water plants in respect to industrial waste water emissions (indirect discharger)Since 1999
St. Peter o.J. (municipality)Adaptation and optimization of a pond type communal waste water treatment plant with 1.500 PE using MBR technology 2001-2004
St. Peter o.J. (municipality)Consulting for the communal waste water plants in respect to industrial waste water emissions (indirect discharger)2000-22
Saubermacher AG, Lenart, SloMBR-plant for the treatment of surface water 2017
·         Feasibility study 2020
·         Pilot plant operation
·         Basic, Detail, authority engineering
·         commissioning
Saubermacher AG, PremstättenBasic and Detail engineering, start-up and commissioning of a MBR-plant for the treatment of fluid waste materials2016
Saubermacher AG, PremstättenFeasibility study for the treatment of surface water2022
Saubermacher AG, TrofaiachBasic and Detail engineering, start-up and commissioning of a WWTP for the treatment of fluid waste materials2018
Steinrieser Getränke, StyriaMBR-plant for treatment of effluent of soft drink production2016–25
·         Pilot plant operation
·         Basic, Detail, authority engineering
·         commissioning
·         extensions
TDK, DeutschlandsbergGeneral waste water concept und authority engineering:2020
Basic and detail engineering, consulting during tendering, supervision, consulting for legal contract with communal WWTP
VTU Engineering, GrazBasic and authority engineering for biodiesel waste water unit – BDV2006
General concept, basic engineering and commissioning for highly loaded biodiesel waste water treatment plants2007
Weiz (municipality)Tendering process for a 30.000 PE communal waste water plant2001
Construction supervision2003
ZUSER PeggauMBR-plant for the treatment of surface water 2017
·         Feasibility study 2019
·         Pilot plant operation
·         Basic, Detail, authority engineering
·         commissioning
5                   Energy
clientScope of activityyear
AVL List, GrazFeasibility study and energetic optimization of internal processes1998
AWV KnittelfeldOptimization of energy consumption at the waste water plant2013
LOBBE WerndorfFeasibility study and energetic optimization of internal processes1997
Stadt Liezen, BauhofOptimization of phosphate precipitation and wattless current compensation, production of renewable energy at the waste water plant2009
Stadt Weiz und Land Stmk.Optimization of energy consumption and production of renewable energy at the waste water plant2010
Wopfinger BaustoffindustrieExpert opinion on efficiency of a waste heat recovery system2010
6                   Safety analysis
clientScope of activityyear
ABRG ArnoldsteinSafety analysis1999
DSM Linz im Wege VTUHAZOP for „building 700“ 1998
Energie SteiermarkHAZOP on interfaces as basis for a CE-declaration for the whole plant as part of the Power 2 Gas Projects Gabersdorf2022-23
Energienetze SteiermarkAssessment on CE regulations for the Power 2 Gas project Gabersdorf2022-23
Energienetze Steiermark HAZOP for the project Hygrid2023/24
LOBBE WerndorfSafety analysis1997
Schippinger ZT, GrazSafety analysis for the waste treatment plant AWV Liezen1996
Schippinger ZT, GrazSafety analysis for the waste treatment plant RMVG Eisenerz1995
VTU Engineering, GrazSafety analysis for cement works Gartenau1999
Zementwerkes Leube Analysis of potential risks and dangers10/18/2005
Zementwerkes LeubeHAZOP on interfaces as a basis for a conformity assessment of the oil cuircuit2023-24
7                   Other
clientScope of activityyear
AWV LiezenTendering process for transportation of household waste and biowaste2003
AWV Knittelfeld u.U.Tendering of engineering services for a canalization project2009
AWV MurauTendering of logistic services for paper transportation2013
Township of KnittelfeldTendering of engineering services for a canalization project2013
Biodiesel Vienna Tendering of waste management services2007
Hans Hütter Expertise on the characteristics of the product Renoxal2002
MCI InnsbruckLectures at the University MCI Innsbruck2008-09
ÖSB Unternehmensberatung, GrazLecture on regulations for operational facilities1997
ÖWAV + LEA Lectures at biogas operation course2006-08
Philips Components LebringExpertise on compliance with the Austrian dissolvent regulation1997
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung, GrazOrganisation of the congress „Optimierung von Kläranlagen durch innovative Membrantechnik“, St. Peter ob Judenburg1998
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung, GrazOrganisation of the congress „1. österreichische kommunale Membrankläranlage“, Weiz2002
VTU Engineering, GrazConsulting for process engineering and design of P&I Diagrams for DSM-Chemie, Linz1998
8                   Research Projects
clientScope of activityyear
FFF & ÖKK, Land SteiermarkR&D project: optimization of Nitrate and Phosphorus removal for communal waste water treatment plants making use of membrane technology1998
FFF & Stadtlabor GrazWastewater treatment for hybrid energy storage, energy supply and resource recovery – ARHES-B2015
FFG & AEE IntecPhase out of fossile gas for the manufacturing industry – Fossilfree4Industry – FFG-Nr.: 9046522024-cont
FFG & SFGR&D project: development of a novel membrane distillation process to recover valuable ingredients from waste water and biogas plants2015
Government of StyriaR&D project: mechanical-biological waste treatment Hartberg2000
IFA Tulln (co-ordinator)Partner in EU Craft-Project „MESH – Integrated Wastewater Treatment Process using Mesh Filter Modules for Direct Activated Sludge Separation”2006 – 09
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung, GrazCollaboration FFG R+D project EnRecoTreat2014
Application of membrane distillation for waste water treatment
Rotreat Abwasserreinigung, GrazCollaboration FFG R+D project GalvanoMD2014
Application of membrane distillation in metal plating industry
SFG Steir. ForschungsförderungsGes.Application of membrane distillation for ammonia recovery in biogas plant – AMRE-MD2014-16