
Brief project descriptions
- 1994 MBR for biological leachate
- 1998 Composting
- 1999 Indirect discharge
- 1999 Waste management facilities in Austria
- 2002 municipal MBR
- 2004 waste water treatment, UF-Molkerei
- 2005 Tank washing plant - Graz
- 2007 Bioethanol
- 2008 Biogas-Retz Ziersdorf
- 2008 Environmental Protection Award
- 2009 MBR-Biodiesel
- 2012 Waste water becomes drinking water
- 2014 Report - Landfill Supervision
- 2014 MBR-Test facility
- 2016 MBR-Waste technology
- 2018 MBR-Electroplating
- 2018 MBR-Beverages
- 2019 MBR-Surfaces
- 1991 Bioprocess Engineering-Mixing in Deep-Jet Bioreactors-Analysis
- 1991 Bioprocess Engineering-Mixing in Deep-Jet Bioreactors-Calculation of Parameters
- 1992 Bioprocess Engineering-Engineering Approach to Mixing in Bioreactors
- 1993 1.SIWA Seminar Judenburg-Biological Leachate Treatment
- 1993 Bioprocess Engineering-Mixing-Models applied to Industrial Batch Bioreactors
- 1993 CABEQ-Modelling of Mixing and Glutamic Acid fermentation
- 1994 2.SIWA Seminar Judenburg-Tank Biology Biojet with Downstream Reverse Osmosis, Landfill Halbenrain
- 1994 ACHEMA application of structured mixture models to scale-up bioprocesses.
- 1994 Biotechnology and Bioengineering-Scale up on Basis of Structured Mixing Models-A New Concept
- 1994 CABEQ-purification of higly loaded landfill leachate
- 1994 ÖWAV high performance biology and membrane separation technology for wastewater treatment, case study on landfill leachate
- 1996 ÖWAV-effort estimation of the landfill aftercare
- 1997-4.SIWA Seminar Kirchberg-The Current Status of Landfill Leachate Treatment in Austria
- 1998 Landfill aftercare-Aachen-Waste management facilities in Austria
- 1998 Weiz-Cost reduction and performance increase through membrane technology
- 2000 ATW-Aachen-Membrane bioreactor technology in Austria
- 2000 European Water management-Integration of membrane technology in communal wastewater treatment operation and cost analysis2
- 2001 Lissabon-Script-Leachate
- 2001 ÖWAV-Wien-Use of membrane filtration for the production of drinking and bathing water from municipal wastewater treatment plants
- 2002 Ljubljana-New process technologies in the wastewater sector - focus on membrane technology
- 2003 ÖWAV Linz-Experiences Membrane Activation Wastewater Treatment Plant St. Peter ob Judenburg
- 2004 Freistadt design and operating results - Freistadt dairy washing water treatment plant
- 2004-Saloniki-Drinking water out of wastewater
- 2005 DBU-Osnabrück-Water Management in the Austr. Milk processing
- 2005 Ljubljana-Treatment of communal sewage sludge
- 2006 DWA Membrandays Kassel-Experiences with a Hollow Fiber Ultrafiltration Plant for the Pretreatment of Dairy Wastewater with Energetic Utilization of the Concentrate
- 2012 WFC11 Graz-Experience with MBR-systems to pre-treat highly loaded organic waste water
- 2013 10 ATW Aachen-Purification of highly concentrated wastewater
- 2013 biogas13 St.Pölten-Special features in the approval procedure for small biogas plants.
- 2013 Chemical Eng Digest India-Applying MBR-system to highly loaded waste water
- 2013 NÖEST Graz-Co-FermWeiz
- 2014 bürkert MembranForum Innsbruck-Highly loaded MBR in the process industry and environmental technology
- 2016 bürkert MembranForum Innsbruck-New developments on the MBR market
- 2016 ISWA World Congress Novi Sad-Leachate Treatment with RCDT Reverse Osmosis
- 2017 12 ATW Aachen-Membrane distillation for the recovery of recyclable materials - municipal ARA
- 2017 TU Vienna-Application of the Membrane Activation Process in Austrian Industry.
- 2019 13ATW Aachen membrane bioreactor as a sub-process for the purification of electroplating wastewater.
- 2019 BM VIT publication series-wastewater treatment for hybrid energy storage, energy supply and recyclables recovery.
- 2019 FILTECH Köln- membrane bioreactor as polishing step in the treatment of galvanic wastewater
- 2019 Water and Wastewater Technology Membrane Bioreactor - Wastewater Treatment Unit Operation
- 2020 Depotech Leoben membrane bioreactor for the purification of surface water of a waste treatment plant.
- 2021 14ATW-Aachen-Purification of surface water from a waste treatment plant using a membrane bioreactor.
- 2021 filtech Köln-membrane bioreactor for the cleaning of surface water of a solid waste treatment site
- 2022 Abstract_P2G-Gabersdorf_ISEC